This may be a little pointless seeing as I doubt anyone looks at this blog any more, but just to round things up, and incase anyone finds this thing in like, 50 years time, I just thought I'd like to draw this project to a fitting conclusion.
If you are reading this in 2057, by the way, not everyone acts like this in the past. Don't go around thinking everyone from 50 years previous went round dressing up as clowns or walking round dog kennels with bacon strapped to them just because nutters from the net asked them to...
Essentially, it is with a sense of such delight and relief I can tell you I did it. In 100 days I made 100 people happier. I won. I proved wrong all those nay-sayers - I showed the world you CAN make people happy, and it makes your life a whole lot more interesting and exciting if you do so.
An explanation of things, as well as a rather nifty little montage, can be seen here:
Am I glad I put myself through this? That I pushed myself to breaking point, physically, mentally and emotionally, and that I spent around £2,000, just to prove a point to myself, a rival, and the girl I was infatuated with? I can honestly say, yes, I am glad. I didn't give up. And I had the kind of experience most people only dream of. An incredible 100 days. Simply remarkable.
But there's a point I feel I have to press. I'm not a particularly special person. I'm not a comedian or a journalist or a stuntman or something - I'm literally a normal kid who just did this on a whim. I have about as much experience at doing this as you reading this, probably less, in fact almost certainly less. I can't even cook beans. And yet I've had this superb adventure - there's nothing stopping you having the same experience. Nothing at all.
You probably won't do this, but at least consider it. Imagine if you did the same. You could literally start it in an hour. All I did was set up an email account and post in a smattering of forums. And here I am, a local celebrity, having been front page of a newspaper, on radio and on TV, and with a book deal round the corner. This fantastic, exciting, joyous adventure was whipped up randomly in one evening and has completely changed my life. Give it some thought. People out there still need cheering up. Trust me, if I can do it, and I can barely put on belts, it might be worth you giving it a shot too...
I'd absolutely love to hear that someone had followed in my footsteps. It really would make my day, that. You can prepare yourselves for some tough times if you do, I can promise you that, but some truly incredible moments too.
Thanks to everyone who helped me out during these insane 100 days. My friends Moaize, Dan, Crabby and Steve, just for making me happier. And to Saskia, just for being her. And to everyone who sent me mails or supported me or placed their trust in me when most people didn't. You all rock so, so much.
Cheers, and until next time, I bid thee farewell.
Your pal,